Helical glass stairs
Helical glass stairs| just fly away
Helical glass stairs and curved stairs with structural glass railings are simply a piece of art. They are one of the most challenging tasks which a stair builder can enter into. Curved glass ballustrades as structural glass constructions are difficult to produce and the installation process is very complicated. Hereby we work closely with experienced glass engineers and manufacturers to provide the best possible designs and quality to our clients. You can also combine the structural glass railings with timber or concrete treads to change the look of the staircase. The replacement of usual strings with the glass is what makes the stair so special and impressive. For other custom stairs browse the modern stair section where you can find all our standard stair models with a mixture of different materials.
Mistral Berlin
Helical all glass stair with black treads

Helcial stair desing with straight segmented glass

Mistral curve
Curved structural glass stair design

Cobra Glas
Helical stair with glass treads